Words used to describe what food meant to you were:
Delicious (obviously haven’t tried chocolate covered ants)
My ‘best friend’, followed by ‘sometime a traitor’
‘The meaning of Life’
Necessary for sport
My best friend and my worst enemy
‘What makes me work’
These are thought provoking responses. There are three main themes running through this list:
Exercise was described as:
Essential to keep us feeling strong, active and healthy
Great fun, sociable
Makes you feel younger
Mind clearing
Positive treat
Essential for health and well being
Exercise is my life
Exercise is a means to allow the consumption of more calories
Gives us opportunities
The best feeling ever
The main themes here are:
Words used to describe Health:
The result/combination of exercise and good food
A privilege and not to be taken for granted
One of the most important things in life and we should nurture it
Essential to have quality of life
Something many people take for granted
Both mental and physical
Far more important than anything else apart from family
Dependant on exercise and food choices
Harmonious balance
Our emotional and physical well being
Health is always on my mind but something I’ll change tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes
Most important gift
The words and sentences used are striking, really illustrating how important good health means to all. Most recognise the link between good health and good nutrition and exercise, but also point towards a third factor of mental or emotional strength as well. A lot of people also state how for the most part we are in control of our health. There are obviously exceptions. If we know that our health is so important to us then, why I have to ask, do we neglect our own health quite frequently?
Quite often we can point our finger at time. Time gets a lot of blame. We are constantly working against time. We live in a world of long working hours, high amounts of stress, limited time to get everything done, household to run and look after and constant pressure leading to a general neglect of our own bodies. Is it not time you stepped back and analysed for yourself, what is really important to you? The constant workload and stress is most likely causing you to make poor food choices, perform little to no exercise, have poor quality sleep, build up high amounts of muscular tension and health then becomes a downward spiral, leading to major problems such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension, which can be categorised as the ‘metabolic syndrome’.
Now obviously it is not as easy to implement a healthier lifestyle as it is to say it, but I just want you to read this and take something away from it. Think, am I doing my best to maintain/improve my health in my current situation? What small changes could I perhaps implement to improve my health? Is eating half a pack of biscuits really going to make me feel better? When you are stressed/depressed, what will really make you feel better/less stressed? Am I doing everything I can to be the best I can be in my current situation? If not, is this not important to you? Why not? Do you always prioritise everyone and everything else before yourself? Try, prioritising yourself and your health and well-being before others at least twice a week.
With all this in mind don’t expect changes to happen instantly. Again we talk about time. You have to have the ability to work hard at achieving your goals and sticking to them. Don’t look for a quick fix – its not out there. I have started to use the 3 P’s recently and I want you all to remind yourself of them:
If you want to achieve you goals, you are going to have to live by these 3 P’s